China Innovation Alliance of the Graphene Industry (CGIA) was established as a non-profit organization on July 13, 2013 with the support of the Chinese Government bodies. As a consortium of enterprises, institutions, and universities that are devoted to R&D on graphene and graphene based products, CGIA aims at improving the industrial technology innovation for the development of enterprises and achieving their common interests. With dozens of members and industry network, CGIA are able to provide services like project investment and financing, IP protection and licensing, policy application and support, and has made a significant progress towards fulfilling the mission.
National Graphene Innovation Center National Graphene Innovation Center (NGIC) was approved to be established in November 2022. NGIC relies on Ningbo Graphene Innovation Center Co., Ltd., which is jointly funded by 32 core members, including Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology & Engineering(Chinese Academy of Sciences), the top enterprises in graphene industry, upstream and downstream enterprises in graphene industry chain, state-owned capital, social capital, etc. It is located in Zhenhai District, Ningbo, Zhejiang. NGIC adopts the form of “Company plus Alliance”, relying on China Innovation Alliance of the Graphene Industry (CGIA). CGIA has more than 140 members in China and abroad, covering the majority of enterprises and organizations in graphene research and industrialization.
中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所是中国科学院在浙江布局建立的首家国家级研究机构,是中国科学院与地方政府共同出资建设的直属科研机构。 2004年4月20日,中国科学院、浙江省人民政府、宁波市人民政府三方在杭州共建中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所协议书。2006年9月19日,中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所正式落地。2007年11月30日,中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所通过验收。 截至2023年12月,全所员工1100多人,其中院士6人、杰青7人。截至2023年12月获得各类人才计划支持近1150人次,其中国家级人才计划支持80余人次、省部级及以上人才计划支持近670人次,2020年获批“科技部海外引才引智示范基地”(浙江省首家)。拥有10个研究生学位授予点、3个博士后流动站,在学研究生2250多人,已培养输送研究生3600多人。
IGCC (International graphene product certificate center) is a global independent third-party certification body initiated by cgia and the European famous graphene platform organizations, such as phantom foundation. The certification center was officially established on January 18, 2018, with its headquarters in the United States. The establishment of IGCC not only fills the gap of no third-party certification body in graphene field, but also provides the market with a reliable means to select high-quality graphene products. Relying on the resource advantages of global graphene industry platforms, IGCC adopts advanced standards as certification criteria, integrates top testing resources, provides professional, high-quality and package certification services for global customers, and maintains the spirit of contract for the industry and builds a trust platform for the market.
The National Graphene Institute brings together the leading edge of fundamental science in 2D materials with the latest equipment and engineering expertise in an unparalleled offer to industry partners.
中欧合作石墨烯创新中心是由宝山区科委、宝山城市工业园与国家石墨烯创新中心石墨烯联盟(CGIA)共同发起成立的国际石墨烯创新服务平台,也是2019中欧长三角石墨烯创新高峰论坛的重要成果。 中心承担着链接上海与欧洲石墨烯产业的重要使命,旨在推动海内外优秀石墨烯项目团队与上海本地产业的深度交流、资源共享、技术合作、成果孵化、人才培养和项目产业化,促进欧盟石墨烯旗舰计划乃至全球高水平石墨烯创新技术及创新成果在上海的产业化落地,提升上海市石墨烯产业技术创新和成果转化的能力,孵化出一批全球性创新型科技项目,攻克关键核心技术和卡脖子"硬科技",将上海宝山打造成全球石墨烯产业合作孵化的策源地,更成为上海建设具有全球影响力科创中心的有力支撑。寰球(上海)石墨烯科技中心于2020年4月3日成立,是中欧合作石墨烯创新中心的运营单位。
杭州高烯科技有限公司创建于2016年,是国家级专精特新“小巨人”企业、国家高新技术企业,国家石墨烯创新中心会员单位,2022年浙江省企业创造力百强企业,注册资本6600万元,研发中心10000平米。公司秉承首创(First)、极致(Best)、使命(Most)“3T”经营理念,致力于单层氧化石墨烯及其宏观组装材料的研发、生产及技术服务。 公司科创实力强,行业影响力大。拥有授权的中国发明专利230余项、国际专利30余项,为浙江省自然科学奖一等奖落地转化企业,荣获2022年全国颠覆性技术创新大赛总决赛最高奖——优胜奖。获得国际石墨烯产品认证中心(IGCC)全球首个单层氧化石墨烯、单层氧化石墨烯改性功能纤维尼龙6产品认证证书。单层氧化石墨烯改性功能纤维荣获石墨烯联盟全球“2021年度最佳石墨烯产品创新奖”(石墨烯奥斯卡奖);单层氧化石墨烯技术成果入选“2020-2021年度中国市场黑科技TOP50”榜单,紧跟中国航天、华为、龙芯中科之后位居第六位。 公司技术原创,产品硬核。成功开发出“一片原料两根纤维两张膜”产业链技术和产品体系,即以单层氧化石墨烯为核心原料,以石墨烯基碳纤维、石墨烯多功能复合纤维、石墨烯散热膜及电热膜为重要应用领域,贯通料材器用,形成顶天立地格局。同时,以“石墨烯+”模式,为其他应用场景提供研发支持和技术解决方案。
Shanghai Jixi Graphene Technology Co., Ltd is the Graphene industry service platform in Shanghai which established by China Innovation Alliance of Graphene Industry(CGIA). By relying on the strategic positioning of Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Center and the talent highland, it sets up a "Shanghai Industrial Technology Graphene functional platform" jointly with Baoshan District Government. The platform insisted technology industry-oriented, government guidance, and social diversified investment , so that to promote scientific and technological achievements into industrial production and build innovative talents Highland. Thus promoting the joint development of graphene industry in Yangtze River Delta region.
CGIA supports members to focus on application and industry chain, to keep pace with market development, to guarantee industry interests by involving in policy making and establishing standards, and to build long-term cooperation with up-down stream enterprises all over the world.
Abstract: Minyang Lu
Sponsor: Wenyang Yang
Media: Liping Wang
Operated by:China Innovation Alliance of the Graphene Industry