Jinfeng LengJinan University, China
Leng Jinfeng,received a Ph.D in materials science from Harbin Institute of Technology and then joined the faculty at University of Jinan until now, served as assistant director of Nonferrous Alloy and Metal Matrix Composites Research Institution. Prof. Leng work in San Diego,University of California as a visiting scholar in 2012-2013, took part in NASA Program, which cooperated with Berkeley, University of California. She is interested in the processing and performance of metal matrix composites, is supported by the national natural science foundation of China,Shandong provincial key research and development plan,and the program of national defense, and have finished development of process cooperated with enterprise business in new type metal matrix composites. Now she is focusing on the processing and characterization of nano-particles reinforced metal matrix composites, have declared more than 20 technical inventions patent and published papers and 2 technical inventions patent was authorized. She took part in the first batch of national standard terms and definitions on graphene materials and the first batch of standard terms of China innovation alliance of the graphene industry on characterization of metal and nometal elements in graphene materials. In 2015 China international graphene innovation and entrepreneurship competition she won the second prize of competition project on graphene reinforced metal matrix composites.