Ana Ballestar studied Physics at the University of Zaragoza in Spain. She holds two MSc in Solid State Physics:one obtained at the University Rennes (France) in 2005, where she worked on Quantum Dots of III-V Semiconductor Compounds; and a second one obtained at the Autonomous University of Madrid in 2008 after working on nano-particulated magnetic thin films. She completed her PhD degree entitled “Super conductivity at Graphite Interfaces” at the University of Leipzig (Germany) in 2014. Her areas of expertise are: investigation of (magneto) transport properties of different materials; fabrication, micro-structuring and patterning of thin films; and structural surface characterization by means of different microscopy techniques (e.g. AFM,SEM…).
She is currently working at GPNT, where she is in charge of the quality control of the graphene films fabricated at the company facilities, using, among others, Ramanspectros copy, and electrical characterization of the films. She is co-leading the innovation department and is in permanent contact with the up-to-date results on graphene in order to find the potential applications in an industrial scale.
The rapidly increasing business of electronics and technology demands new and outstanding materials capable of showing better performances than the ones used nowadays. It seems that we are entering the era of two dimensional materials, that ever since they have been isolated showed amazing potential for developing new devices based on the use of their extraordinary properties. When it comes to industrialization and commercialization, two main issues have to be faced: utilization of reproducible and affordable standardized manufacturing processes and high quality of the final product. These are therefore the directions to which we commit ourselves. We fabricate graphene by selective sublimation of Silicon Carbide (SiC), following a self-optimized protocol that maintains the main characteristic properties of high quality graphene. As Raman investigations revealed, we obtained SiC substrates covered with more than 85% of graphene ofsuperior quality. Moreover, measurements performed on Hall bar devices fabricated along the SiC terraces corroborated those results. That is: mobilities of the electrons as high as 40000 cm2 V-1s-1,as well as, low magnetic field plate aux on the Quantum Hall Effect have been obtained. All those premises make our graphene an ideal candidate to overcome the difficulties in bringing its potential to the desired industrial scale.
CGIA supports members to focus on application and industry chain, to keep pace with market development, to guarantee industry interests by involving in policy making and establishing standards, and to build long-term cooperation with up-down stream enterprises all over the world.
Abstract: Minyang Lu
Sponsor: Wenyang Yang
Media: Liping Wang
Operated by:China Innovation Alliance of the Graphene Industry