
Fuel Cell

THEME:Fuel Cell

Starting Time:2015-10-28 08:30:00

Ending Time:2015-10-28 12:20:00

Location:Meeting Room NO.7105

Introduction:As a new carbon material, graphene has unique advantage in fuel cell applications arising from special physical and chemical properties, such as large surface area, high electron conductivity rate and electrochemical stability, etc. Graphene can be used as a fuel cell catalyst carrier, and modified graphene can be applied to catalyze nonmetal as cathode catalyst.  The topic will be to discuss the key technical problems on how to improve the electrochemical properties of graphene catalyst, and so on.


8:30                                          Meeting Room NO.7105   7105会议室

SymposiumB10: Fuel Cells


Session Co-chairs: Mingbo Wu, China University of Petroleum, China; Jianbin Xu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China



WED1.401:Carbon-based Metal-free Catalysts for ORR in Fuel Cells and beyond 碳基无金属催化剂在燃料电池中氧化还原反应及其他领域中的应用

Liming Dai, Case Western Reserve University, USA

Liming Dai,凯斯西储大学(美国)


WED1.402:PEM Fuel Cell Catalysts Based on Engineered Graphene 石墨烯的结构调控及在质子交换膜燃料电池催化剂中的应用

Shichun Mu, Wuhan University of Technology, China



WED1.403:Morphological and Dimensional Effect of the Graphene on High Performing Oxygen Reduction Reaction Catalysts in Acidic Media酸性介质中,石墨烯形貌和尺寸对高性能氧化还原反应催化剂的影响

Seong Ihl Woo, Korea Adv Inst Sci & Technol, Korea

Seong Ihl Woo,韩国先进科技学院(韩国)


WED1.404: Synthesis of Graphene Based Nanomaterials and Its Applications in the Field of Energy Conversion and Storage 石墨烯基纳米材料的制备及其在能量转换和存储领域的应用

Xianbao Wang, Hubei University, China



Coffee Break 茶歇


WED1.405: Fabrication of Square-Shaped, Monolayer Graphene Domains and Latest Updates of Graphene Application in Motive Power Batteries 正方形单层石墨烯单晶畴的制备及其在动力电池领域的应用进展

Guiping Dai, North Carolina Central University, USA

Guiping Dai,北卡中央大学(美国)


WED1.406: Surface/Interface Modification of Graphitic Carbons for Advanced Electrocatalysis 石墨烯基催化剂表/界面性质的调控及电催化应用

Jintao Zhang, Shandong University, China



WED1.407: (Oral) Probing Molecular Force Transfer Mechanisms in Graphene Film by in Situ Synchrotron Micro FT-IR Spectroscopy and Applications for Efficient Oxygen Reduction Reaction (ORR) Catalyst 原位同步微傅里叶红外光谱分析法研究石墨烯薄膜中分子力学转移机理及其在高效催化氧化还原反应(ORR)催化剂中应用

Congwei Wang, The Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China



WED1.408:(Oral) Hierarchical Graphene Materials: From Unique Multi- Functionalities to Superior Energy Storage Applications 多级石墨烯材料:从独特多功能性到超级储能领域的应用

Cheng Tang, Tsinghua University, China



Discussion 交流讨论

Main Organizer

CGIA supports members to focus on application and industry chain, to keep pace with market development, to guarantee industry interests by involving in policy making and establishing standards, and to build long-term cooperation with up-down stream enterprises all over the world.


E-mail: meeting@c-gia.org

Abstract: Minyang Lu

Sponsor: Wenyang Yang

Media: Liping Wang

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