
Speaker-Cheng-Te Lin

Cheng-Te Lin
Ningbo Institute of Material Technology & Engineering, CAS
Dr. Cheng-Te Lin received his Ph.D. degree in Materials Science and Engineering at National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan) in 2008. In 2012, he was a postdoc in Prof. Jing Kong's group at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT, USA), and undertook the investigation of graphene aerogel supercapacitors. Subsequently, he took part in the project of highly thermally-conductive polymer composites with Prof. Gang Chen (MIT, USA). From 2014 June, he is working as a full professor at Ningbo Institute of Material Technology and Engineering. He is the recipient of "1000 Young Talents Plan" from China's government (2015), "Hundred Talents Program"from Chinese Academy of Sciences (2014), and so on. Dr. Lin has 56 publications on Nature CommunicationsAdvanced Functional MaterialsJournal of Materials Chemistry A, and Carbon etc. His research interests focus on the development of graphene-based applications, including CVD growth technique, functional composites, thermal interface materials, and biosensors. 
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E-mail: meeting@c-gia.org

Abstract: Minyang Lu

Sponsor: Wenyang Yang

Media: Liping Wang

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