Liqun ZhangBeijing University of Chemical Technology, China
Liqun Zhang received his PhD in Polymer Science and Engineering from Beijing University of Chemical Technology(BUCT), and then performed his post-doc in the department of Polymer Science and Engineering of University of Akron and Case Western Reserve University. Currently he is a professor of BUCT. His research interests focus on elastomer science and technology, polymer nanocomposites, bio-based and biocompatiblepolymeric materials and so on.He has published over 300 peer-reviewed papers, (co-)authors of 8 books (chapters) and has given over 80 plenary/keynote/invited lectures in international conferences. He has received various privilegedawards such as Sparks-Thomas Award of Rubber Division of American Chemical Society, Asia Research Award of Society of Chemical Engineering of Japan (SCEJ), MorandLambla Award of International Polymer Processing Society.