
Speaker-Albert Cabellos

Albert Cabellos
Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), Spain
Albert Cabellos is an assistant Porfessor in Computer Architecture Department at Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), the Scientific Director for NaNo -Networking Center in Catalunya. He received a B.S.(2001), M.S. (2005) and PhD (2008) degree in Computer Science Engineering from the Technical University of Catalonia. In 2004 he was awarded with a full scholarship to carry out PhD studies at the Department of Computer Architecture, Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), Spain. In september 2005 he became an assistant professor of the Computer Architecture Department and as a researcher in the Broadband Communications Group. In 2010 he joined the NaNoNetworking Center in Catalunya where he is the Scientific Director. He is an editor of the Elsevier Journal on Nano Computer Network and founder of the ACM NANOCOM conference, the IEEE MONACOM workshop and the N3Summit. He has also founded the LISPmob open-source initiative along with Cisco. He has been a visiting researcher at Cisco Systems and Agilent Technologies and a visiting professor at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He has participated in several national (Cicyt), EU (FP7), USA (NSF) and industrial projects (Samsung and Cisco). 

His main research interests are future architectures for the Internet and nano-scale communications. He has given more than 10 invited talks (MIT, Cisco, INTEL, MIET, Northeastern Univ. etc.) and co-authored more than 15 journal and 40 conference papers.
Title:The Future of Miniaturized Wireless: Graphene Wireless Communications
SymposiumHigh-Frequency Electrics
Starting Time2014-09-01 09:00:00
Ending Time2014-09-03 17:00:00

Nanotechnology is providing a new set of tools to design and manufacture miniaturized devices such as sensors or on/off chips networks. Such devices require wireless communications for information sharing and coordination. Unfortunately, reducing the size of a classical metallic antenna down to a few micrometres would impose the use of very high resonant frequencies, from the near infrared to the optical ranges (tens of hundreds of THz). This would drastically limit their communication range and require the implementation of transceivers able to operate at this extremely high frequency. Graphene offers a new approach to radically downscale antennas thanks to its ability to support the propagation of Surface-Plasmon Polariton (SPP) waves in the terahertz frequency band. Graphene micro-antennas provide a better integrability for future miniaturized wireless systems and represents an enabling technology for applications such as Wireless NanoSensor Networks, Internet of Things and On/Off-Chip Wireless Networks. In this talk we will describe the fundamental properties behind graphene miniaturized antennas as well as its applications.

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E-mail: meeting@c-gia.org

Abstract: Minyang Lu

Sponsor: Wenyang Yang

Media: Liping Wang

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