The physics of graphene can be strongly enriched andmanipulated by harvesting the large amount of possibilities of proximityeffects with magnetic insulators, strong SOC materials (TMDC, topologicalinsulators, etc.). Simultaneously, the presence of extra degrees of freedom(sublattice pseudospin, valley isospin) points towards new directions forinformation processing [1,2], extending the playground to valleytronics,multifunctional electronic devices or novel quantum computing paradigmsharnessing all these degrees of freedom in combination with electromagneticfields or other external fields (strain, chemical functionalization)[3,4].
Here I will present some foundations of spin transport forDirac fermions propagating in supported graphene devices or interfaced withstrong SOC materials. The role of entanglement with “valley and sublatticepseudospins” in tailoring the spin dephasing and relaxation mechanisms will beexplained as well as the impact of strong SOC proximity effects on spinlifetime anisotropy, weak antilocalization and Spin Hall effect [4-8]. I willalso refute recent claims concerning the formation of the valley Hall effect ingraphene/hBN heterostructures which relate measured giant non-local resistancewith Berry curvature-induced bulk valley currents [9]. Such analysis isfundamentally flawed, whereas the understanding of non-local transportproperties requires advanced and realistic quantum transport calculations (seerecent advances published in [10]).
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[8] D. Khokhriakov, A.W. Cummings, M. Vila, B. Karpiak, A. Dankert,
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[9] A. Cresti et al. Riv. Nuovo Cimento 39, 587 (2018).
[10] J. M. Marmolejo-Tejada et al.,arXiv:1706.09361; J. Phys. Materials (in press).
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Abstract: Minyang Lu
Sponsor: Wenyang Yang
Media: Liping Wang
Operated by:China Innovation Alliance of the Graphene Industry