Frank KoppensThe Institute of Photonic Sciences, Spain
Frank Koppens (Dutch, 1976) obtained his PhD in experimental nanoscience at the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, The Netherlands. After a postdoctoral fellowship at Harvard University, since August 2010, Koppens is a group leader at the Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO). He has received the Christiaan Hugyensprijs 2012, the ERC award as well as the ERC proof-of-concept. Koppens is co-leader of the optoelectronics workpackage of the graphene flagship (1B€ project for 10 years). The Nano-optoelectronics group of Prof. Koppens focuses on the research and development of novel opto-electronic and plasmonic materials and devices with applications for sensing, photodetection, infrared imaging, power conversion and nano-scale light processing and switching. In total, Koppens published more than 40 refereed papers (H-index 30), amongst which Nature (2x), Science (3x), Nature Physics (5x), Nature Materials, Nature Nanotech. (6x), Nature Materials, Phys.Rev.Lett.(6x) and NanoLetters (5x). Total number of citations: >6500.