
Speaker-Zuowan Zhou

Zuowan Zhou
Southwest Jiaotong University, China
Dr. Zuowan Zhou is now a professor in Southwest Jiaotong University, and the Key Lab of advanced Technologies of Materials (Ministry of Education, China). He received his Ph.D. from Donghua University (Shanghai, China, 2002) in Material Science, and got his Master degree from Sichuan University (Chengdu, China, 1992) in Polymer Chemistry and Physics.
Prof. Zhou has led a research group on Functional polymers, nanomaterials and ecomaterials, in which more than 50 Funding has beenpermitted and acquired high opinions for the finished projects.Dr. Zhou has published about 160 papers and 6 books (editor, co-author for chapters or sections). In recent years, Prof. Zhou presented 22invited talks and took academic position at International Conferences, and organized8 conferences. Dr. Zhou has applied for more than28 items of Chinese Invention Patents and 1 European Patent, of which 22 Chinese Patents have been authorized. Several kinds of functional materials developed in Dr. Zhou′s group have been applied to civil or defense industries.
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It is of great importance to develop environmentally friendly method for the preparation of graphene and graphene-contained compositesfor functional applications. In this presentation, asimple and effective method wasrecognized for preparing graphene/polymercompositesby anin situintercalation polymerization of the monomeric molecules in-site into the graphite layers, leading to separation of graphite into multi- or single-layered graphene hybridized with the polymeric molecules. The structural and morphological characterizationswere performed by X-ray diffraction analysis, transmission electron microscopy and field emission scanning electron microscopy. Firstly, the monomericcations formed by monomer and H+ tends to be drawn towards the electron-enriched zone and to intercalate into the interlayer of graphite. Subsequently, in situ polymerizationsleadto the graphite separatinginto graphene as a result of the exothermic effect and more vigorous movements of the long chain molecules of the polymer.The interactions between polymer and graphene were confirmed by Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy as well as Raman spectra.
As functional applications, this report will present the graphene composites hybridized bytwo kinds of conductive polymers, polyaniline and polypyrrole, and a thermal-conductive polymer, polyamide-6.The as-prepared conductive polymer composites showed an even lower conductivity compared to that of the hydrochloric acid doped polymeror the graphite, further demonstrating thatthere were special interactions between polymer and graphene molecules.This can be reckonedthat the hybridizing structures may be a good way towards new functional design with broad adjustable parameters of graphene and its composites.Besides, the graphene/polymercomposites exhibited a breakthrough in improvement of microwave absorption and/or thermal conductivity.

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E-mail: meeting@c-gia.org

Abstract: Minyang Lu

Sponsor: Wenyang Yang

Media: Liping Wang

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