Prof Dusan Losic, Australian Future Fellowship, working as a Research Professor at the School of Chemical Engineering, The University of Adelaide, Australia. He finished PhD in 2003 at Flinders University, School of Chemical and Physical Science, followed by 3 years postdoctoral research position at Flinders University. In 2007 he was awarded by Australian Research Council with 5 years Research Fellowship (ARF) when he started his independent research at Ian Wark Research Institute, University of South Australia. In January 2012 he receiving ARC Future Fellowship, and moved to the University of Adelaide, where he is leading Nano Research group of 25 members. His interdisciplinary research encompassing several disciplines including chemistry, material science, engineering, biology and medicine focused on applying nanoscience and nanotechnology to engineer new nanomaterials, processes and devices to address fundamental, health, environmental and agriculture problems. From 2013 his research group started extensive work on graphene focused on graphene production processes and development of graphene based products for broad applications.