
Speaker-Litao Sun

Litao Sun
Southeast University, China
Litao Sun currently serves as vice dean of School of Electronic Science and Engineering, Southeast University (SEU), the deputy director of Key Lab of MEMS of Ministry of Education, and the director of SEU-FEI Nano-pico center. He is the founding chairman of IEEE Nanotechnology Council Nanjing Chapter. He received his PhD from the Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2005. He worked as a research fellow at University of Mainz, Germany from 2005 to 2008, and a visiting professor at University of Strasbourg, France from 2009 to 2010. Since 2008, he joined SEU and honored as a Distinguished Professor. He is the member of China Graphene Standardization Committee and Review Panel member of Graphene Flagship, European Commission.

His research interests cover dynamic in-situ experimentation in the electron microscope (Setting up a Nanolab inside a TEM); Two-dimensional nanomaterials (Graphene, MoS2, BN, etc.); Applications of nanomaterials in environment, renewable energy and nanoelectromechanical systems.
Title:Strategies for Assembling Graphene Sheets into Macrostructures
SymposiumGO Manufacture Technology
Starting Time
Ending Time

Graphene holds great potential for many applications due to its exceptional mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties. Integrating graphene macrostructures into external systems can speed up the industrialization of graphene. Therefore, assembling graphene sheets into desired macrostructures becomes quite important. Here we present our progress in fabricating various graphene macrostructures using different strategies. Compact graphene with various shapes and high density can be easily fabricated using a pH-mediated hydrothermal reduction method. This compact graphene has a compressive strength of ~360 MPa, which is 6 times higher than conventional graphite products. In addition, spongy graphene with porous structures can be produced through hydrothermal reduction and freeze drying, in which microstructures and properties of spongy graphene could be easily tailored by controlling the freezing temperatures. Moreover, drop-casting and dip coating have been used to produce graphene oxide films, and based on these films, we have successfully fabricated capacitive humidity sensors with ultrahigh humidity sensitivity and resistive humidity sensors with ultrafast response time, respectively. What is more, we propose a strategy that uses the synergistic effects of spraying coating and heating to easily prepare graphene films with controllable structures. Through controlling the temperature of the substrate, the microstructures of the graphene films can be tailored from layered structures to porous structure with different pore size.

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E-mail: meeting@c-gia.org

Abstract: Minyang Lu

Sponsor: Wenyang Yang

Media: Liping Wang

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