
Speaker-Raman Singh

Raman Singh
Monash University, Australia
Raman Singh who has a joint appointment as a full professor at the Dept of Chemical Engineering and Dept of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Monash University (Melbourne, Australia) leads the emerging Monash Energy Materials and Systems Institute (MEMSI).  He is also a Research Professor at Centre for Clean Energy Engineering at University of Connecticut (USA). His primary research interests are in the relationship of Nano-/microstructure and Environment-assisted degradation and fracture, and Nanotechnology for Advanced Mitigation of such Degradations. He has also worked extensively on use of advanced materials (e.g., graphene) for corrosion mitigation, stress corrosion cracking, and corrosion and corrosion-mitigation of magnesium alloys (including for the use of magnesium alloys for aerospace, defence and bioimplant applications).   

Prof Singh’s professional distinctions and recognitions include: editor of a book on cracking of welds, member the Editorial/ Review Boards of a few journals (including the prestigious, Metallurgical & Materials Transactions of ASM, USA),  leader/co-chairman of a few international conferences and regular keynote/invited lectures at international conferences, over 150 peer-reviewed international journal publications, 15 book chapters/books and over 100 reviewed conference publications, and several competitive research grants totaling over $8M (that includes 3 Discovery, and 8 Linkage grants of Australian Research Council).  Professor Singh had research training/employment at Indian Institute of Technology (Kharagpur), Indian Atomic Energy and University of New South Wales (Sydney). 

Prof Singh has supervised 35 PhD students. His vibrant research group at Monash University comprises of PhD students from different disciplines (Mechanical, Chemical, Materials and Mining Engineering, and Science) as well as from different cultural backgrounds (Australian, Middle-eastern, Chinese, Malaysian, Indian, African, North American and Israeli).
Title:Ultra-thin Graphene Coating: The Novel Nanotechnology for Remarkable Corrosion Resistance
SymposiumCoatings & Conductive Ink
Starting Time
Ending Time

The talk will provide a quick overview of research activities in the speakers group, and then focus on the remarkable corrosion resistance due to ultra-thin graphene coating.

Monolayer or a few atomic layer thick graphene coatings on metals (Figure (left)) have been shown to improve their corrosion resistance by nearly two orders of magnitude (Figure (right)).  Though there are very few studies reported on the topic of corrosion resistance due to graphene coating, there is still considerable variability in the degree of improvement.  For example, improvement in aqueous corrosion resistance of copper due to graphene coating is reported to vary from insignificant to nearly 2 orders of magnitude, whereas the improvement for nickel can be in excess of an order of magnitude. This presentation will review the most recent research on graphene that has been claimed as ‘the thinnest known corrosion-protecting coating’, and examine the potential application of such disruptive approach to corrosion resistance of common engineering alloys such as mild steels.

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E-mail: meeting@c-gia.org

Abstract: Minyang Lu

Sponsor: Wenyang Yang

Media: Liping Wang

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