
Speaker-Baochun Guo

Baochun Guo
South China University of Technology, China
Baochun Guo is a professor in the Department of Polymer Materials and Engineering at South China University of Technology (SCUT) in Guangzhou. After receiving a B.S. from Northwestern Polytechnic University in 1996, he completed his Ph.D.in Polymer Materials at SCUT, under the guidance of Prof. Demin Jia. After completing his Ph.D. study, he joined the Department of Polymer Materials and Engineering, SCUT as a Lecturer and became full Professor at SCUT in 2009. 

His current research involves rubber reinforcement, graphene functionalization, and elastomeric composites. He published more than 70 internationally peer-reviewed papers with citation over 1100 (excluding self-citation). He also holds 10 Chinese patents. 

He has been recognized with several honors, including the New Century Excellent Talents Award in University (MOE) and an Excellent Youth Fund (NSFC).
Title:Modification of Graphene and Their Polymer Composites
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Many functonalized graphene colloids with impressively high concentration and stability have been prepared. The adopted methods possess many attracting characteristics. First, a series of cheap and industrially available chemicals, including the fluorescent whitening agents and dyes, have been demonstrated to be highly effective in suspending graphene individually at relatively high concentration. Second, naturally occurring tannins have been verified to be effective reducing agents for graphene oxide and the resulted graphene could be stably suspended by the tannins simultaneously. Third, the organophilicity of the tannin functionalized graphene could be effectively enhanced by a variety of derivatizations including nucleophilic addition of thiols and Manich condensation with polyetheramines. In addition, the fluid-like graphene with excellent solubility were also prepared with graphene as the core. The polymer/graphene composites, with exceptional combination of different kinds of properties, have been prepared by specific processing methods and interfacial design. Through introducing sacrificial interfacial bonds between the parallel-dispersed graphene and the matrix, the combination of high strength and toughness in the chitosan/graphene composites has been discolosed. Through in situ interfacial tailoring, the SBR/graphene composites with ionically bonded interfaces have been prepared and these composites possessed the combination of high strength and low gas permeability. By grafting of polymer end groups onto graphene surface, the polyester/graphene composites with exceptional combination of high electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity are demonstrated. 

[1] Tang Zhenghai, Kang Hailan, Wei Qiuyan, Guo Baochun*, Zhang Liqun*, Jia Demin. Synergistic effects of graphene and vapor grown carbon fiber on their polymer composites towards better multi-stimuli responsive shape memory performance. Carbon 10.1016/j.carbon.2013.07.103
[2] Liao Ruijuan, Tang Zhenghai, Lin Tengfei, Guo Baochun*. Scalable and versatile graphene functionalized with the mannich condensate. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2013, 5: 2147-2181
[3] Wu Siwu, Tang Zhenghai, Guo Baochun*, Zhang Liqun*, Jia Demin. Effects of interfacial interaction on chain dynamics of rubber/graphene oxide hybrids: a dielectric relaxation spectroscopy study. RSC Advances, 2013, 3: 14549-14559
[4] Tang Zhenghai, Wei Qiuyan, Lin Tengfei, Guo Baochun*, Jia Demin. The use of hybrid consisting of tubular clay and graphene as reinforcement for elastomer. RSC Advances, 2013, DOI: 10.1039/C3RA42568A
[5] Tang Zhenghai, Lei Yanda, Guo Baochun*, Zhang Liqun*, Rhodamine B decorated graphene and its reinforcement towards polyvinyl alcohol. Polymer, 2012, 53: 673-680 
[6] Tang Zhenghai, Kang Hailan, Shen Zuoli, Guo Baochun*, Zhang Liqun*, Jia Demin. Electrically and thermally conductive bio-based polyester/graphene composites. Macromolecules, 2012, 45: 3444-3451
[7] Tang Zhenghai, Zhang Liqun*, Zeng Chunfang, Lin Tengfei, Guo Baochun*. General route to graphene with liquid-like behavior by non-covalent modification. Soft Matter, 2012, 8: 9214-9220
[8] Tang Zhenghai, Wu Xiaohui, Guo Baochun*, Zhang Liqun*, Jia Demin. Preparation of butadiene–styrene–vinyl pyridine rubber–graphene oxide hybrids through co-coagulation process and in situ interface tailoring . Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012, 22: 7492-7501
[9] Zeng Chunfang, Tang Zhenghai, Guo Baochun*, Zhang Liqun*. Supramolecular ionic liquid based on graphene oxide. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2012, 14: 9838-9845
[10] Liao Ruijuan, Lei Yanda, Wan Jingjing, Tang Zhenghai, Guo Baochun*, Zhang Liqun, Dispersing graphene in hydroxypropyl cellulose by utilizing its LCST behavior. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 2012, 213: 1370-1377
[11] Lei Yanda, Tang Zhenghai, Liao Ruijuan, Guo Baochun*. Hydrolysable tannin as environmentally friendly reducer and stabilizer for graphene oxide. Green Chemistry, 2011, 13: 1655 - 1658
[12] Tang Zhenghai, Zeng Chunfang, Lei Yanda, Guo Baochun*, Zhang Liqun*, Jia Demin. Fluorescent whitening agent stabilized graphene and its composites with chitosan. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2011, 21: 17111-17118
[13] Liao Ruijuan, Tang Zhenghai, Lei Yanda, Guo Baochun*. Polyphenol reduced graphene oxide: mechanism and derivation. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2011, 42: 20740-20746 
[14] Wang Lanwei, Liao Ruijuan, Tang Zhenghai, Lei Yanda, Guo Baochun*. Sodium deoxycholate functionalized graphene and its composites with polyvinyl alcohol. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2011, 44: 445302.

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Abstract: Minyang Lu

Sponsor: Wenyang Yang

Media: Liping Wang

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