Dr. Hui-Ming Cheng is Professor and Director of Advanced Carbon Materials Division of Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is a member of Chinese Academy of Sciences. He graduated from Hunan University in 1984, and received his Master and Ph. D degree in 1987 and 1992 from the Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He worked at Kyushu National Industrial Research Institute, AIST, and Nagasaki University in Japan from 1990 to 1993, and MIT, USA from 1997 to 1998.
Dr. Cheng is mainly working on carbon nanotubes, graphene, energy storage materials, photocatalytic semiconducting materials, and high-performance bulk carbon materials. He edited the first book on carbon nanotubes in Chinese, published over 400 peer-reviewed papers on Nature, Nature Mater., Nature Commun., PNAS, Adv. Mater., JACS, Angew. Chemie, Adv. Funct. Mater., Adv. Energy Mater., ACS Nano, J. Mater. Chem., Carbon, etc. He has received several international and national awards, including National Natural Science Award (2nd class) in 2006, the Charles E. Pettinos Award (American Carbon Society, USA) in 2010, and the Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress of Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation in 2010. He is the Editor of Carbon since 2000 and the Editor-in-Chief of New Carbon Materials since 1998. Prof. Cheng was the co-chairman of the World Conference on Carbon in 2002 (Beijing) and 2011 (Shanghai), and he has given more than 70 plenary/keynote/invited talks in international conferences and symposia. Dr. Cheng was a recipient of TCT Fellowship at Nanyang Technological Univ. in 2002, is honorary professor of the University of Queensland, Australia, and guest professor of a few Chinese universities.