
Speaker-Yue Liu

Yue Liu
Associate Professor

Doctor of New Energy Materials, was obtained in NankaiUniversity, Postdoctoral fellow who worked in the University of Padua, Italy,As an associate professor of Liaoning Technical University, invited reviewer ofjournals such as Frontiers in Chemistry, AIP advances, Ferroelectrics,International Physics B, etc. Guest editor of Frontiers in Chemistry. In 2022, the second batch ofentrepreneurial leaders in Wujiang District of Suzhou, Chongben talents inWujiang Economic and Technological Development Zone, the third prize of the2022 Wujiang Youth Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Competition, thesecond prize of the China Business Association Science and Technology ProgressAward, the first prize of Liaoning Forestry Science and Technology Award, thesecond prize of Liaoning Forestry Science and Technology Award, were selectedfor the 2019 Liaoning Province hundred million Talents Project.
Title:Research and industrialization of the interface between graphene and LiNbO3
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The core application product of LiNbO3 isoptical fiber communication modulator chip. While ensuring the uniformdistribution of Fe ions in the film, the thickness of the film can be reducedto the level of 100nm, and the photoelectric conversion efficiency is more than70%. 20dB, in line with the latest modulator requirements in the optical fibertransmission process, has a greater advantage in performance. The highconductivity of graphene provides a new tool for the application of lithiumniobate thin film electrodes. The objective of this project is to prepare andanalyze ultra-thin iron-doped lithium niobate graphene composite structures todetermine the effect of reduction to the nanoscale on the photoelectric propertiesof the material, which can be used to make high performance modulators,filters, detectors, crystal oscillators and high density information storagedevices for communication.

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CGIA supports members to focus on application and industry chain, to keep pace with market development, to guarantee industry interests by involving in policy making and establishing standards, and to build long-term cooperation with up-down stream enterprises all over the world.


E-mail: meeting@c-gia.org

Abstract: Minyang Lu

Sponsor: Wenyang Yang

Media: Liping Wang

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