
Speaker-Lijun Chen

Lijun Chen

Chairman and Founder of Beijing Innovation AikaTechnology Co., Ltd., Member of the 9th Political Consultative Conference ofFangshan District, Beijing
Title:Industrialization Path of Graphene Thermal Management Technology Driven by Market
Starting Time
Ending Time

Beijing Innovation Aika Technology Co., Ltd.,incubated by China Aviation Development Corporation Beijing Graphene TechnologyResearch Institute, led by China Aviation Development Capital, is an enterprisein China Aviation Development System that focuses on graphene thermal management.The founding team graduated from Tsinghua University, and the core team memberscome from China Aviation Development Corporation's graphene material thermalmanagement project team, which is a leading enterprise in the research,development, production and application of graphene thermal managementmaterials in China, National level specialized, refined, and innovative"Little Giant" enterprise, Beijing specialized, refined, andinnovative small and medium-sized enterprise, national level high-techenterprise, the only technology supplier of graphene technology for the 2022Beijing Winter Olympics, and has applied for more than 60 core patenttechnologies in total. Led by China Aviation Development Capital, strategicinvestments are made by state-owned capital such as Fangshan District HighPrecision Fund and Fangshan District State owned Capital Yanhesheng.


In 2022, Aika Technology, as the only grapheneenterprise, successfully served and ensured the heating protection project forthe National Stadium (Bird's Nest) podium and VIP area during the opening andclosing periods of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics, aswell as the application of award ceremony heating suits. It receivedrecognition from departments such as the Ministry of Science and Technology andthe Winter Olympics Organizing Committee.


As one of the earliest enterprises to explore thedevelopment of the graphene industry, Aika Technology actively promotes theindustrial application of graphene thermal management technology, moving theachievements of Winter Olympics technology from the Winter Olympics arena tothe application field of urban development, developing products and solutionssuch as clothing equipment that meet high temperature and low temperature specialenvironments, and providing comprehensive solutions with graphene thermalmanagement technology as the core in the green and low-carbon national economyfield.

Main Organizer

CGIA supports members to focus on application and industry chain, to keep pace with market development, to guarantee industry interests by involving in policy making and establishing standards, and to build long-term cooperation with up-down stream enterprises all over the world.


E-mail: meeting@c-gia.org

Abstract: Minyang Lu

Sponsor: Wenyang Yang

Media: Liping Wang

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