二级教授(研究员),理学院常务副院长,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,英国皇家化学会会士(FRSC)。2018年起连续入选中国高被引学者(爱思唯尔),2020年起连续入选全球高被引科学家(科睿唯安)。现任Chinese Chemical Letters 副主编、Chemical Physics Impact高级编委、ACS ES&T Engineering顾问编委、Environmental Science: Advances顾问编委、《能源环境保护》编委。担任中国化学会理事、中国化学会奖励推荐委员会委员、中国化工学会化工新材料委员会委员、中国能源学会能源与环境专业委员会委员、中国稀土学会催化专业委员会委员、中国环境科学学会环境化学分会委员。以通讯作者在Chem Rev、ES&T、Angew Chem Int Ed、Adv Mater等国内外期刊发表210余篇SCI论文,H指数为88。已获授权国际发明专利与国家发明专利70余项,多项科研成果在企业中得到推广应用。曾荣获上海市科技进步一等奖(第一完成人)、上海市科技进步二等奖(第一完成人)、华夏建设科学技术二等奖(第一完成人)、上海市青年五四奖章集体(团队负责人)、上海市新长征突击手、上海市育才奖、上海市青年科技启明星、上海市晨光学者、上海市教委记功2次等。应邀在国际/国内学术会议上做大会/主题报告20余次,并作为大会主席成功举办多次国际国内会议。
Fresh water is a key factor for humankind to sustain life. However, the lack of freshwater and water pollution limit the utilization of freshwater resource. Among various pollutants in the water, excessive salt ions and heavy metal ions become a major concern due to their adverse effects on human health. Capacitive deionization (CDI), as an electro-adsorption water purification technology, has gained increasing attention due to the merits of low cost, low energy consumption, high efficiency, rapid regeneration, and environmental benignity. When applying a low potential on the two electrodes, the ions in solution can be quickly adsorbed and harvested in the oppositely-charged electrodes, and the clean water is obtained. The ion removal capacity of CDI has a close relation with electrode materials. Various of carbon materials (such as graphene) have been extensively explored as CDI electrode materials due to the advantages of porous structure, high surface area, and electrochemical stability. However, the limited ion removal ability of these carbon materials makes it difficult to expand their practical applications. Based on the above research situation and drawbacks, we novelly designed and prepared some modified carbon-based composites, investigated their capacitive deionization performance, and verified ion removal mechanisms.
CGIA supports members to focus on application and industry chain, to keep pace with market development, to guarantee industry interests by involving in policy making and establishing standards, and to build long-term cooperation with up-down stream enterprises all over the world.
E-mail: meeting@c-gia.org
Abstract: Minyang Lu
Sponsor: Wenyang Yang
Media: Liping Wang
Operated by:China Innovation Alliance of the Graphene Industry