
Speaker-Lijuan Zhu

Lijuan Zhu
engineer and master's supervisor at CNPC Tubular Goods Research Institute.

Dr. Zhu is a senior engineer and master's supervisor at CNPC Tubular Goods Research Institute. She is a member of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Coatings and Pigments, the Oil and Gas Field and Pipeline Corrosion and Safety Professional Committee of the Chinese Society for Corrosion and Protection, an expert in failure analysis of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineering, a drafter of standards for Petroleum Industry Standardization Technical Committee, and a young editor for the Chinese Journal of Corrosion and Protection. Dr. Zhu has long been engaged in research on functionalized graphene materials, aluminum/titanium alloys and petroleum pipe materials, corrosion and protection technology of petroleum pipes and equipment, failure analysis and control technology, and has undertaken over 30 projects including National Natural Science Foundation of China, Shaanxi Provincial Key R&D Program, National Key R&D Program Sub-Topic of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Strategic Reserve Fund Project of China National Petroleum Corporation, and horizontal projects of domestic and foreign enterprises. She has won five provincial and ministerial-level scientific and technological awards, published over 50 SCI/EI papers, and been granted 18 invention patents, and has been responsible for or participated in the revision of 10 national and industry standards. She has received honors such as "Science and Technology Rising Star" of Shaanxi Province and "Young Science and Technology Talents" of China National Petroleum Corporation.

Title:Research and Application of Graphene-Modified Coatings for Corrosion Protection of Oil Country Tubular Goods
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Since 2017, with support from national and provincial-level projects such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China, China National Petroleum Corporation Basic Research and Strategic Reserve Technology Research Fund Projects and Shaanxi Provincial Key R&D Program Project, the CNPC Tubular Goods Research Institute has collaborated with Tianjin Baochi Zijing Innovation Research Institute to develop and apply Graphene-Modified Coatings for Corrosion Protection of Tubular Goods Research Institute. The developed high-performance graphene-modified epoxy coating for oil pipes has a smooth surface without any leakage points, and exhibits a mirror effect with good bonding and wear resistance properties. It also demonstrates excellent corrosion resistance in high-temperature, high-pressure acidic oil and gas media, alkaline media, and simulated water injection conditions. The Materials Research Institute of China National Petroleum Corporation, together with Changqing Oilfield and Liaohe Oilfield, have completed the first application demonstration of graphene-modified coating oil pipes in the petroleum and petrochemical industry in China. This milestone marks significant progress in the basic research and application of graphene materials in China's petroleum and petrochemical industry, and will effectively improve the service life and safety of oil and gas well pipes under harsh drilling and production conditions, such as high temperature, high pressure, and high salinity.

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E-mail: meeting@c-gia.org

Abstract: Minyang Lu

Sponsor: Wenyang Yang

Media: Liping Wang

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