
Speaker-Jianguo Zhao

Jianguo Zhao

Jianguo Zhao, born in Tianzhen, Shanxi Province, doctor of engineering, second grade professor and doctoral supervisor. He is the director of Engineering Research Center of Coal-based Ecological Carbon Sequestration Technology of the Ministry of Education and Key Laboratory of National Forest and Grass Administration for the Application of Graphene in Forestry. He is also a national advanced worker, winner of the National May 1st Labor Medal, and a deputy to the National People's Congress.

Title:Graphene in the field of ecological carbon sinks
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Engineering Research Center of Coal-based Ecological Carbon Sequestration Technology of the Ministry of Education has carried out research on the mechanism of graphene's growth and development regulation on forest trees, the mechanism of graphene's influence on forest trees' resistance, and the application of graphene to the development of forest economy. The research shows that graphene efficiency compound fertilizer can effectively promote the growth of forest trees, flowers and edible fungi, promote the breeding of forest grass and flower seedlings and the cultivation of edible fungi to improve quality and efficiency, accelerate the microbial decomposition of agricultural and forestry wastes such as withered materials and straws, and help the vegetation recovery of ecologically fragile areas such as saline-alkaline land and mining areas, so as to enhance the capacity of ecological carbon sinks.

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E-mail: meeting@c-gia.org

Abstract: Minyang Lu

Sponsor: Wenyang Yang

Media: Liping Wang

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