
Speaker-YongYong He

YongYong He

Male, born on April 4, 1969, Member of the Communist Party of China, PhD degree, researcher of Mechanical Engineering Department of Tsinghua University, doctoral supervisor, Executive Vice president of Tianjin High-end Equipment Research Institute of Tsinghua University. His main research direction is surface modification and performance enhancement. He has published more than 150 papers, of which more than 90 are included in SCI. More than 60 authorized patents; Won 1 special prize of provincial and ministerial Technical Invention Award, 2 first prizes and 2 second prizes, and was selected into the second batch of "New Century Outstanding Talents Support Plan" of the Ministry of Education.

Title:the Micro-structure Regulation of Graphene and its Lubrication and Anti-corrosion Properties
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Owing to their superior normal strength, low shear stress, high specific surface area, and excellent chemical inertia, graphene-based materials have a wide range of application potential in field of interface science such as lubrication and corrosion protection. The 2D lamellar size, exfoliation state, and nano-modification of graphene and its derivatives have significant effects on its lubrication and corrosion protection behavior. This report exhibits the research progress of the authors in recent years in the preparation methods of graphene and its derivatives and their applications in the field of lubrication and corrosion protection. The structure-activity relationship and scientific mechanism of the application of graphene in the fields of lubrication and corrosion protection were investigated by regulating the morphology, lamellar exfoliation, and nanomaterials modification of graphene materials.

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E-mail: meeting@c-gia.org

Abstract: Minyang Lu

Sponsor: Wenyang Yang

Media: Liping Wang

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