
Speaker-Chao Wang

Chao Wang

Chao Wang, male, PhD supervisor, Professor. Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Intelligent medical Digitization Technology Committee member, China Space Science Society space intelligence professional committee member, China Micron Nanotechnology Society Youth working committee member, National Natural Science Foundation communication review expert and the Ministry of Education dissertation review expert.
Proficient in adopting cross-scale research approach and combing mechanics and material science to conduct structural design and explore multifunctional applications of two-dimensional materials like graphene. Published more than 50 papers as the first author or corresponding author, including prominent journals such as Matter, Nano Letters and Chemical Engineering Journal. Delivered 7 invited presentations at significant domestic and international conferences, obtained 7 granted national invention patents, and published 2 specialized textbooks.
Led and actively participated in 16 research projects, including National Natural Science Foundation projects and national or provincial-level initiatives in the field of natural sciences. Received the Heilongjiang Youth Science and Technology Award, first prize of Natural Science and Technology of Heilongjiang Province, the third prize of the First Aviation Creative Challenge of the Chinese Air Force, and was selected as the Special Award of China's New Scientific and Technological Figures in 2021.

Title:Study on mechanical properties and flame retardancy mechanism of fire-proof graphene aerogels
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Graphene, as a two-dimensional nanomaterial with a unique structure, is currently widely used in the field of fire retardancy. In this study, cellulose molecules were used as the scaffold material, and a freeze-drying method was employed to synthesize fire-resistant graphene aerogels with anisotropic structures. A combined approach of experimental analysis and molecular dynamics simulations was used to comprehensively elucidate the fire-retardant mechanism of these graphene aerogels. This composite material exhibits excellent compression strength and stiffness, a low thermal conductivity (0.06 W/(mK)), and a significant improvement in fire-retardant performance (a decrease of 88.6% in peak heat release rate compared to cellulose aerogels).

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E-mail: meeting@c-gia.org

Abstract: Minyang Lu

Sponsor: Wenyang Yang

Media: Liping Wang

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