


  拜永孝,兰州大学教授、博士研究生指导教师、软物质与功能材料研究所所长、美国密歇根大学博士后。主要从事石墨烯制备方法学、石墨烯基纳米复合材料、石墨烯大健康、石墨烯纳米能源材料与器件领域的基础研究、技术开发和工程应用方面的研究工作。在ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、Chemical Communications、Nanoscale、The Journal of Physical Chemistry C、Composite Part A、Composites Science and Technology等TOP期刊上发表了80余篇SCI高水平研究论文,获得授权50余件中国发明专利。担任中国材料研究学会纤维材料改性与复合技术分会理事会常务理事、中国石墨烯产业技术创新战略联盟理事、上海市石墨烯产业技术功能型平台产业发展顾问、中国福建石墨烯创新创业大赛导师、甘肃省材料学会理事、甘肃省机械工程学会材料热处理与表面工程分会理事、美国化学会会员和中国化学会会员。担任国家自然科学基金委与教育部博士点基金评审专家,承担Journal of the American Chemical Society、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、Advanced Materials、Chemistry of Materials等高影响力国际学术期刊的审稿人。

Title:Green large-scale preparation technology of graphene and its application in energy storage field
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Graphene is a national strategic emerging material. How to obtain high-quality graphene by green preparation method, how to realize the integration and cooperation between graphene and traditional materials and devices, and how to obtain new materials and high-performance devices with multiple functions are the key problems and key topics to be solved in this field. Under the background of increasing energy demand and clean energy development, various energy storage devices came into being. Under the background of the increasing energy demand and the development of clean energy, various energy storage devices have emerged as the times require. Supercapacitors (SCs) are recognized as the most potential energy storage devices due to their advantages such as fast energy conversion, long service life, excellent stability, and low environmental hazards. However, low energy density is the main bottleneck restricting its development and practical application, and high-performance electrode materials are the key to preparing supercapacitors with high energy density. Activated carbon is widely used in supercapacitors due to its low preparation cost, large specific surface area, a wide range of sources, stable electrochemical performance, and environmental friendliness. Unfortunately, traditional activated carbon supercapacitors' low specific capacity (80~120 F·g-1) and low energy density (~8 Wh·kg-1) greatly hinder their more comprehensive application. In this report, expounds the research results of the reporter in the green and efficient preparation methods of graphene and its extended application in recent years. In particular, commercial activated carbon and graphene with excellent conductivity were compounded to prepare an integrated electrode material with three-dimensional conductive structure, no binder and no conductive agent. By studying the relationship between the structure and electrochemical performance of the electrode material, a supercapacitor with high energy density and excellent cycle performance was constructed.

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CGIA supports members to focus on application and industry chain, to keep pace with market development, to guarantee industry interests by involving in policy making and establishing standards, and to build long-term cooperation with up-down stream enterprises all over the world.


E-mail: meeting@c-gia.org

Abstract: Minyang Lu

Sponsor: Wenyang Yang

Media: Liping Wang

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