
Speaker-Jianxun Xu

Jianxun Xu
Title:Catalyst-free growth of Meter-sized graphene glass in air by scanning electromagnetic induction quenching method
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Large-scale, rapid and low-cost preparation of high-quality graphene film and its application at the killer mace level is the key to promote the industrialization of graphene. However, there are still some limitations in the commonly used graphene synthesis methods, such as limited size of graphene films, high cost in common chemical vapor deposition (CVD) and laser direct writing (LDW) technique etc..  
In this paper, a newly low-cost synthesis method without transfer process and catalyst for large-scale graphene films in air is proposed. The temperature of the sample was increased to over 1000 ℃ in a few seconds by scanning electromagnetic induction (SEMI) method, resulting in high-efficiency graphene growth. By using this method, the ultrafast preparation of meter-sized or even unrestricted sized graphene thin films can be realized on glass. So-produced graphene has a high conductance (Rs ~500 Ω·sq-1) and a strong adhesion force with the substrate, affording its excellent electrothermal properties. The graphene glass can work stably up to 1000 ℃ in vacuum.

Fig. 1.So-produced graphene glass by our SEMI method and the photo of the graphene glass self-heated up to 1000 ℃.

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E-mail: meeting@c-gia.org

Abstract: Minyang Lu

Sponsor: Wenyang Yang

Media: Liping Wang

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